Making a Better Listing: Search Engine Optimization

When guests arrive on the Tailgreeter platform, most will search for the tailgate Follow these tips to make it easy for them to find your listing.
In the Listing Title, include the city name because most people will start their quest by writing in the city. It is a lot like sports teams: Denver Broncos, New York Jets, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, etc.
Who is playing? Include both team names! Guests will be searching for their favorite teams, most likely, so broaden your horizons and welcome your rivals to the best party in the lot.
Do the teams have nicknames or abbreviations of their name? Use them! In Chicago, we use “Monsters of the Midway” and “Chi,” and colleges like Penn State, Florida State, and Miami might use “Linebacker U, Tight End U, Noles The U, PSU, or FSU”
Does either team have a famous cheer such as “Who Dey” or “Skol” that will help too?
- Does your group have a name or is a Superfan associated with your tailgate? Include that in the listing too as a way to differentiate yourself from other tailgates at the same venue.
These tips will help you be seen and thus grow your tailgate to truly epic proportions. See you in the lot!