Thursday, August 1, 2024
Event Size
Monster (500+)
Start Time
08/01/2024 06:00 PM
End Time
10:00 PM

Driving to Canton, sign up to Join the Caravan to Canton. We're still in the planning stage of this event, but we will send a full itinerary to anyone who signed up.

Merch and Car Gear Coming soon


Atmosphere of the Tailgate
Family Friendly
Type of Lot
Size of the Tailgate
Monster (500+)

This Event includes:

The open road

Event Check-In:

Please find your tickets before you arrive and have them ready to be scanned, so you can get to the good parts faster.

This article can help you if you are having issues finding your tickets:

Also, you can speed up check-in by sharing any extra tickets purchased with your friends within your account or on the app.

The Event will be held at the Stark County Fairgrounds at 305 Wertz Avenue NW.
Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 10.34.44 AM
$50.00 / Per Guest
We'll Update You About the Caravan
One Flag
One Magnet