Saturday, January 13, 2024
Event Size
Monster (500+)
Start Time
01/13/2024 03:30 PM
End Time
07:00 PM
3.00 Minutes Walk

Lot J is a tailgate group formed over 10yrs ago. Throughout the years, the tailgate has organically grown to where we host anywhere from 300 - 600 people every home game. People attend from all around the country looking for a place to tailgate at Arrowhead!

Live Dj, we cater food for all, free shots (pudding shots and jello shots - yes they're strong and yummy and do go quick), and cornhole games plus more. We also have a tradition we do in Lot J, called 'Jose' time! Ultimate group rally before the game! If you're looking for an authentic Arrowhead open tailgating experience, at one of the best places in the world to tailgate, Lot J is that place. Any and all fans are welcome.

Donations are appreciated, but not required. Any and all proceeds go to cover costs and then back into future tailgates. The party starts four hours before kickoff! Come see what all the hype is about! 


This does NOT include parking in Lot J. We comply with all Arrowhead parking regulations. If parking attendants direct you somewhere else, feel free to find parking elsewhere, and walk on over!

Event Atmosphere
Family Friendly
Venue Type
Asphalt Lot
Size of the Event
Monster (500+)
Type of Tailgate
Accessibility of Bathrooms
Guests Can Stay
Type of Music
Live DJ, Playlist, Rock, Dance, Hip Hop
Bring Your Own Booze, Water
Lawn Games, TV

This Tailgate includes:

Live Dj, we cater food for all, free shots (pudding shots and jello shots - yes they're strong and yummy and do go quick), and cornhole games plus more.

Event Check-In:

Please find your tickets before you arrive and have them ready to be scanned, so you can get to the good parts faster.

This article can help you if you are having issues finding your tickets:

Also, you can speed up check-in by sharing any extra tickets purchased with your friends within your account or on the app.

Important you try and come in through Gate 7, which is on the backside of the stadium. Very close from there. Corner (party) pocket of Lot J, right off of Royal Way, which is the road between the two stadiums on the backside (Arrowhead and Kauffman). Gate 7 on the backside of the stadium is the best gate to come thru, as it will bring you right down to us in Lot J. Waze is a great GPS app. You can download it for free. If you put 'Gate 7 - Arrowhead Stadium' in the search bar, it will GPS you to the gate.
$50.00 / Per Guest